Category: Events

  • Lebell is the 2024 Social Media Star

    Lebell is the 2024 Social Media Star

    Kristinestad Tourism Association awarded Lebell Merchant House the “Social Media Star of the Year” award at the Kristinestad Entrepreneur Gala on Saturday, December 14, 2024. The award was presented by the Chairman of the Tourism Association, Kristiina Itälaakso, who stated the following in her speech: ‘We entrepreneurs are finding ourselves in a situation where marketing…

  • Interview with the chairman

    Interview with the chairman

    The Communications Manager of the Lebell merchant House, Harri Alatalo, interviewed the chairman of the Lebell Foundation, Helena Patoranta, on October 24, 2024, about the museum’s history, present, and future. History The Lebell Merchant House is a house with both history and a place where one can learn a lot. Before the house became a…

  • The young can and they will

    The handicrafts group from Kristiinanseudun Koulu school visited the Lebell Merchant House in the fall of 2023. Each student chose an old technique, item, and story from the Lebell Merchant House and created their own version of it. Old historical techniques were brought to life through the students’ products. In collaboration with the 9th grade…

  • Meet historical gentlemen on thursdays

    Legends are back in Lebell! Come and meet These merchants and administrators of historical Kristinestad will tell you about Kristinestad’s and Lebell’s history and hope that many photographs will be taken of them with that French new thing called a “camera”.”

  • Open Gates 15-16.6.

    The museum and the Café are open both days. A historical re-enactor is present on both days. Presentation of traditional flower cultivation on Saturday at 14.00. Art exhibition both days in the Félén house. A concert of love songs on Sunday at 13.00. Welcome to visit!